
Whether you are an MD, CRNA, or PA, you went to school to learn medicine — not to become a business owner. Yet when the time comes to transition from academia and residency to the realities of working in, buying into, or managing a practice, you will need to be familiar with the language of business and personal finance.

No matter where you are in your training or career path, we have the experience needed to address your specific situation.

Contact us today to find out about upcoming lectures, or to arrange for a no-obligation conversation with one of our members.

In Training

WealthMD’s Financial Planning for the 2024 Physician lecture series is integrated into the curricula of a growing number of teaching hospitals and offers medical residents and fellows the opportunity to learn about financial fundamentals before entering practice. It’s a great fit for your next grand round, journal club, or offsite meeting.

Our lecture series reviews the following concepts:

  • Introduction to financial planning for physicians

  • Disability income insurance: protect your most valuable asset

  • Improved practice management: streamline your practice finances

  • Practical applications: building and exploring a case study

*We invite medical practice consultants as guest speakers to lecture on practice management issues specific to medical practices.

The information is provided with the understanding that it is not intended to be interpreted as specific legal or tax advice. Neither MML Investor Services nor any of its employees or agents are authorized to give legal or tax advice. Individuals are encouraged to seek the guidance of their own personal legal or tax counsel.

In Practice

Physicians in practice have different educational needs than those in training. Educational topics appropriate for professionals in this phase include how to evaluate partnership buy-ins, assessing alternate streams of income, and leveraging practice equity for growth.

Our lecture series reviews the following concepts:

  • Appropriate structure of a medical practice*

  • Tax planning*

  • Asset protection concepts for business owners and individuals

  • Proper exit strategies for your business

  • Exploration of corporate structure for your business and ancillary revenue streams*

  • How to properly design income streams during the retirement phase

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